Tuesday, December 13, 2005

No News Is Good News

I've been really bad about posting news. Thank God, nothing to report. I had a follow-up ultra-sound to see the cyst on my overie, but it was gone. The tech said that's good and there was just a bit of fluid which probably means it burst and that is normal. I can breath a sigh of relief.

Now the Christmas season begins. Lots to accomplish, bake, shop, wrap, decorate, pack. I find joy in everything, even though it is a bit stressful. Yesterday, I was taking laundry down the stairs (my comforter from my bed that Alex had an "accident" on) and I tripped over a bucket which sent an army of small toys flying. I'm always telling the kids not to play on the stairs. I could have gotten mad, (I did, for about 2 seconds), but then I just thanked God for my children.

Thank you baby Jesus for coming to save us.