Tuesday, May 01, 2007

MS Walk, May 20

May 20th is the Sayegh Law MS Walk in Carmel at the Carmel Firehouse. I hope you can make it to the event and participate. It is always a fun event even if you don't walk. The following weekend in Memorial Day Weekend, and I am organizing a community tag sale in my neighborhood that will raise money for the MS Walk. So far I have four neighbors participating and willing to donate a portion of their sales to the Walk, and others donating items for sale. The Tag Sale will be Friday and Saturday, Memorial Day weekend, May 25th and 26th from 9:00 am to 4:00pm. The sale is located off of Archer Road to Oak Pond Lane. Follow the signs around the neighborhood to each house hosting a tag sale. I'll look forward to your support with a great cause.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I'm Back...

Wow, I can't believe it's been 3 months since my last post. I guess that's good, no news is good news. As you can see from the pictures we went to Aruba after Easter and we had a great trip. We went with 4 families total. There were 21 people in our group. The kids had such a fun time with their cousins. We went jet skiing, snorkeling, we went on a banana boat, which is a banana shaped float that holds 10 people and is pulled behind a speed boat. We went on an 80 foot sailboat. It was all so much fun. We had a much needed break. Swimming everyday, beach, tropical drinks... I'm ready to go back!!

We came back to a real dose of reality. We came back just before a Nor' Easter brought about 8 inches of rain. Flooding everywhere, streets washed out, basements flooding, Thank goodness ours was dry.

Had a CT Scan a few days later. Those are always fun. It was a follow-up scan. The nurse has to set-up an IV to administer the contrast, and after 2 pokes of a needle and digging around in the vein, she had to get the doctor to stick me again. They can only use one of my arms since I had lymphnodes taken out of my other arm. My right arm has been stuck so many times! Anyway, my scan came out stable. No change, it's a good thing.

Spring is finally here and I am so ready for it! I can't wait to start planting. Hope you are all well. Enjoy everyday!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

It's official, there is nothing significant in my brain! Yes! Let me explain... On my last visit to my oncologist, it was discovered on my blood work that my thyroid is low, and slightly anemic. I was sent away to visit another doctor to get more drugs to control my thyroid, and scheduled to go back to my oncologist for a follow-up blood test. At that follow-up visit, I casually mentioned I was feeling unbalanced and dizzy occasionally. I know, I know. I should keep my mouth shut. Anyway, Dr. Mills sent me for a brain MRI. Turns out, my brain shows no sign of malignancy, but a chronic sinus infection. They want me to see an ENT specialist now. Always something! I guess that's why I've felt cloudy and unbalanced. Thank God!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

What a beautiful year ahead! Did anyone make any resolutions? I resolve to be healthy and strong the whole year long, and wish the same for you and your families. This past year has been a hard year for many. Last January I started with such high hopes after finishing chemo and radiation, only to end up in the hospital with an intestinal blockage. And now I am finishing with thyroid problems. Chemo and radiation wreak havoc on your body. I am hoping to put this all behind me and get healthier and stronger with each passing year.

We got back from Omaha last Thursday. We had a wonderful Christmas with my family. It went too fast. We were there for only one week.

Blessings to you for a Healthy and Happy New Year!!