Thursday, October 27, 2005

All Done!!

Yes, I am done with radiation now. Thank the Lord! It's been one week without having to drive down there and get zapped. I actually got to drive Alex to school, talk to his teachers, talk to the other mothers. I went to the gym and worked out. There is actually life out there in the morning. I don't know what to do with myself. I think I just need to rest for a while.

I had an appointment with a pulminary specialist and he was unimpressed with my previous CT scan that suggested pulminary hypertension. I am not surprised and expected such. He said for me just to follow-up with an eco-cardiogram if I want to be certain.

I am now taking Tamoxofin and will continue to do so for 2 years. I'm supposed to take it 2 times a day. I am not used to taking anything, so this will be a real test to see if I can do it 2X a day. I already forgot once. Tamoxofin is supposed to help diminish the chances of a recurrance by blocking estrogen in the body.

I am looking to get my life back. My eyelashes are back, maybe that's my sign. I am now walking around without a wig and without a hat. It's pretty short, but it's my hair. I figure that this is as short as it will ever be.

Thank you Lord Jesus for getting me through this! Thank you friends and family! I did it. I now join the thousand of survivors who came before me. We did it!

Monday, October 17, 2005

One more week!

I am so relieved to be in my final week of radiation. Friday I will get my last zap. Last week I finished up the radiation to the entire breast area, and this week I get radiated in just the area around where the tumor was. That is called a boost. I am red and sunburned and itchy and tired and achey all over. I didn't think radiation would be so draining. My energy is zapped and I have been sleeping as much as possible. I get tired very quickly. Could be why I haven't "blogged" in a few weeks. I can't wait to put this chapter behind me.

My aunt Diane had her surgery last week. She opted for a double mastectomy so she could rest at ease not to have to go through this again in a few years. I admire her courage. She's doing great and recovering at my mom's house. She's been one of my biggest cheerleaders and now I want to be hers! You GO Diane!! You are so strong and courageous! I am proud of you.

I went to the gym for the first time since I started radiation. It felt really strange, and my body feels weak still. I haven't felt like this ever. I've always pretty much worked out. Or when I took time off, I felt pretty good starting back, but today I actually felt sick after I worked out. I didn't even do much, just the elliptical trainer. It felt good to work out, I just felt really weak after. I have a lot of work to do and am eager to get back to doing it!

I have many doctor's appointments set up now as follow-up. MRI's, mamogram, bone density, follow-up doctor's appointments. I have a full schedule until Thanksgiving. I can tell you that this Thanksgiving I will be thankful, and that's an understatement.

John and I are going to see Joel Osteen at Madison Square Garden this Thursday. Should be great, but we are sitting in back of the stage (don't tell John-ha ha ha). Thanks Lindsey for your comment on my last post - I LOVE IT!!