Monday, October 17, 2005

One more week!

I am so relieved to be in my final week of radiation. Friday I will get my last zap. Last week I finished up the radiation to the entire breast area, and this week I get radiated in just the area around where the tumor was. That is called a boost. I am red and sunburned and itchy and tired and achey all over. I didn't think radiation would be so draining. My energy is zapped and I have been sleeping as much as possible. I get tired very quickly. Could be why I haven't "blogged" in a few weeks. I can't wait to put this chapter behind me.

My aunt Diane had her surgery last week. She opted for a double mastectomy so she could rest at ease not to have to go through this again in a few years. I admire her courage. She's doing great and recovering at my mom's house. She's been one of my biggest cheerleaders and now I want to be hers! You GO Diane!! You are so strong and courageous! I am proud of you.

I went to the gym for the first time since I started radiation. It felt really strange, and my body feels weak still. I haven't felt like this ever. I've always pretty much worked out. Or when I took time off, I felt pretty good starting back, but today I actually felt sick after I worked out. I didn't even do much, just the elliptical trainer. It felt good to work out, I just felt really weak after. I have a lot of work to do and am eager to get back to doing it!

I have many doctor's appointments set up now as follow-up. MRI's, mamogram, bone density, follow-up doctor's appointments. I have a full schedule until Thanksgiving. I can tell you that this Thanksgiving I will be thankful, and that's an understatement.

John and I are going to see Joel Osteen at Madison Square Garden this Thursday. Should be great, but we are sitting in back of the stage (don't tell John-ha ha ha). Thanks Lindsey for your comment on my last post - I LOVE IT!!


Anonymous said...

Dear Amy,

What a beautiful family you have! I just saw their pictures for the first time! I want you to know that you continue to be in my prayers daily for complete healing. I used to be some what timid in praying for complete healing for Jessa. But....we have such an awesome God and I got to thinking "Why would I ask such a great God for anything less than the best?" I can't wait to hear about your opportunity to hear Joel O'Steen. I bet he touches your heart. Have a wonderful day and know that your Texas family continues to pray for you!

(Janette's big sister!)

Anonymous said...

When you look back at your baby steps you can now see the big leaps you have taken. Congratulations on reaching the end of this chapter. I am looking forward to the sequel!
Enjoy Joel! There is just something about Texans!

Anonymous said...

Oh Amy Girl,

How sweet it is to hear those words "I'm almost done". I'm so excited for you that the end of this ordeal is finally near. Enjoy Thursday night with "both your men".
