Saturday, November 26, 2005

Support Connection Walk in October

This is Janette Yetter and myself finishing the walk in October. Janette was with me at the beginning of this journey and it was fitting that we finished together as well.

It was overwhelming how many people were at the event. Many walking in memory of mother's, sisters, aunts, friends who lost their battle. Janette and I were walking for survivors! For myself, my aunt Diane and for Jessica, Janette's neice in Texas who is still battling this terrible disease. Please continue to pray for Jessica! She has been in remission with stage 4 breast cancer, and at her recent scan they found a few more spots of cancer. We will pray for total healing for Jessica!!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the picture! I love them.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the picture! If you double click on them your smiles fill up the whole screen. I love them.