Sunday, July 31, 2005

Keeping my eyes where they should be...

Busy week planned. Monday are the kids dental appointments, Tuesday is a birthday party, and Lindsey, my niece, comes in to spend two weeks with us, Wednesday CT scans and MRI, Thursday two different doctor appointments (for me), and Friday so far nothing. The days are filling up quickly. I also need to get my eyes checked and get my radiology simulation appointment, and get my colonoscopy. By the time I get done with all this medical treatment, there won't be one square inch of me that hasn't been poked, proded, looked at or medicated in some way. I am so sick of all these doctor's appointments.

I must admit that after my last treatment, I was back to feeling sorry for myself again. I'm feeling like "why me" again. I know it is just the chemo talkin' and can almost set my clock by it. But now I feel energized. I feel indestructable and purposeful and hopeful. This morning I got a kick in the spiritual behind. I realize I have been seeking healing from the world, from doctors. It's easy to do when you are just living from one appointment to another. I'm so sick of hearing about another cancer diagnosis and the hurt and destruction it can do to a family. We are all looking to the medical community to heal us, and I guess got sucked in as well. I need to keep my eyes fixed on God. Modern medicine is good, but God is infinate. I can't let my eyes waiver. I sat in church this morning and jotted a few things down - Apart from God, we can do nothing; I need the Word everyday - spiritual food. Even when we spend a short amount of time away from Him, the devil uses that time to sneak in. Letting in doubt, pity, weakness, hopelessness. I know healing comes from God. I won't let the doubt come in, my healing is in God's hands, I have no control. I ordered myself some Joel Osteen CD's to listen to in the car. He's a great preacher that I love to listen to. Keep your eyes on Him! That's what I need to remember. I let too much of the world in, I need to let more of the WORD in!


Anonymous said...

Dear Amy -
Yes, keep your eyes fixed on The Lord. ALL our help comes from HIM! Praise God!!

Anonymous said...

From one person who has battled cancer to you:

Yes, fix your eyes on Jesus. Fix your eyes on God and HIS medicine- what heals the body and soul. Our answers come from HIM- not from the latest chemo drug or the best doctors in the field. Sometimes His answers for healing do not make sense- He may want you eating things that other people would not eat (for instance, vegetables, fruits, and herbs made by God's loving hands). Take what the Lord gives you and give Him credit for the healing HE alone gives. Too often we give the healing credit to what man has done- his medicines, regimens, drugs, etc. and we scoff at the simple things God gives us for healing.

I pray that you will find joy in this journey (see the book of James) and that the Lord will deliver you and refine you for His purposes.

A fellow traveler

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy

I am here on your computer and i am checkin my e-mail and decided to say hi even though I can go into the other room and see you I just can't bring my self to get out of this chair. I it is so so so comphy. Hope your are feeling good.
Love Lindsey