Friday, May 05, 2006

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Susannah and Sophia had their Broadway Bound show tonight. It was so good. Sophia was is a play called "You've Got The Power", and Susannah was in one called "It's Saturday." Both very good. They did an excellent job. I have the DVD if anyone wants to see. I think my girls were the best, of course.

I'm feeling fine now. Earlier this week I was dealing with a partial blockage in my intestine. I'm not quite 100%, but I'm better and better. My doctor said that 99% of partial blockages clear on their own, and I had my doubts, but so far so good. I was afraid I would have to go back to the hospital with a tube in my nose and do the steroids again. I just didn't eat, and tried to take it easy, but anyone with 3 kids knows that's almost impossible. I got about an hour of rest - that's a lot for me during the day. My doctor told me to take a hot bath and drink fluids. That's the first bath I have taken in this house since I don't know when. Who has time to soak in the tub? It was nice, though. I was actually rested and clean. I picked Sophia up from school and the first thing she said was, "Mommy, why do you look so pretty?" I guess she's not used to seeing me "primped" and relaxed. I'm usually running around in sweat pants on my way to or from the gym (or trying to get there!).

Susannah had a dinosaur museum at school yesterday, too. That's why I was actually dressed in "big girl" clothes instead of workout clothes. Each child in Susannah's class had to talk about their dinosaur, and they each made a diarama, and posters, and made dinosaur bones, and wrote a report. They all did such a good job. Matt Stefunek is in Susannah's "sister class", so we saw his presentation, too. Good job! I ran into Mrs. Daul, Matthew's teacher, and she told me that she is friends with the Bauerleins, and she had seen everyone the day before at the dinosaur museum. I said, I know and that Elizabeth told me Mrs. Daul gave her a turtle, and "isn't she special". Mrs. Daul, without missing a beat said, "Yes, she is!" I hope you enjoy your turtle, Elizabeth! I can't wait to meet him face to face.

Have a great weekend! I have more doctor's appointments next week. It is never ending. Check out the Relay For Life link on the right side. Our team is trying to raise $10,000 this year. You can help! Click on the link and donate any amount. Thanks to Hal and Winnie Hinz for your donation!


katrina said...

You are a bastion of strength and grace, Amy. You will get through this, and you WILL get your health back!
It's funny that Sophia asked why you look so pretty; I always think that when I see you!! It is hard to believe that you have experienced all you have in the past year while maintaining not only your positive outlook but also your "real life." Good for you!

On a side note, the first rule of having such a nice bathtub is that Elizabeth shouldn't use it more often than you do--make sure you make a date with it more often!

Anonymous said...

I guess I haven't commented yet, I wasn't sure how to compete with Katrina's word 'bastion'. Don't think I have ever used it in my life, now I will...

Thinking of you Amy. Thank YOU for everything.