Saturday, September 10, 2005

Will Work For Gas Money!

My previous post stated that my commute to radiation was 15 miles each way. Correction - 25 miles each way. I am currently taking any donations to fill up my gas tank (just kidding). Last time I filled up it cost me $89.00.

I was just e-mailing a family member, who is also going through cancer treatments. He was saying how he wondered what people did who didn't have friends or family around. I have to agree. You all have no idea how much you help me. I know I say it over and over, but it's true. I wrote back that you really find out how wonderful people can be, but I wish I didn't have to go through this and still thought most people were rotten (ha ha-again, just kidding).

I haven't felt any side effects from the radiation yet except being tired. But I think I was pretty tired before, so nothing new.


Anonymous said...

Just think that every mile is a mile closer to getting better. Too sappy? I say to take of your "wig" turn up the bass and rock (or country in my state) all the way there and back. You will give people something to talk about and it will make you smile. Or...Janette can have another jewelry party and make you more money!


Amy Sayegh said...

Definately country!! I'll have to try taking the wig off. I might get lots of weird stares, but who cares!